March 29, 2025
rénovation maison
flat renovation, empty room before and after refurbishment old and new interior

Financial aid for energy renovation in 2023: save money and protect the environment

The energy renovation of homes is a major concern for owners wishing to both reduce their energy bill and reduce their ecological footprint. To support these initiatives, several financial aid schemes exist in 2023, which we detail in this article.

The MaPrimeRénov’ system

MaPrimeRénov’ is financial assistance put in place by the government in January 2020 to encourage energy renovation work in homes. It was designed to replace and simplify the energy transition tax credit (CITE) and aid from the National Housing Agency (Anah).

In 2023, this bonus is accessible to all home owners, whether they are occupants or lessors, without resource conditions. It is granted for different types of work:

  • Insulation of walls, attics and low floors
  • Installation or replacement of a heating or domestic hot water production system
  • Replacement of single-glazed windows
  • Installation of a controlled mechanical ventilation (VMC) system
  • Energy diagnosis of housing

The amount of MaPrimeRénov’ varies depending on the household’s income and the energy savings provided by the work. It is capped at €20,000 over five years.

How to benefit from MaPrimeRénov’?

To qualify for this aid, it is necessary to respect certain conditions:

  1. Be the owner of a home more than two years old
  2. Call on a professional recognized as an environmental guarantor (RGE) to carry out the work
  3. Submit a request on the website before work starts

Once agreement has been obtained, you will need to send invoices for the work carried out and MaPrimeRénov’ will be paid directly to your bank account.

Aid from energy suppliers

Companies supplying energy are also required to contribute to the financing of energy renovation work via the Energy Savings Certificate (EEC) system. Thus, they offer different assistance to encourage their customers to undertake this work:

  • Energy bonuses : payment of a sum of money depending on the nature and extent of the work
  • Premium increases : increase in premiums for households with modest incomes
  • Aid to finance energy saving work : zero-interest loans, repayable advances, etc.

How to obtain this aid?

To benefit from these devices, you must follow the following steps:

  1. Contact your energy supplier to find out the offers available and the conditions of allocation
  2. Sign an agreement with the supplier before work begins
  3. Have the work carried out by an RGE professional
  4. Send proof of work to the supplier

The aid is then paid in the form of energy bonuses or deducted from the cost of the work.

Anah’s Living Better Serenity program

The National Housing Agency (ANAH) also offers financial assistance to low-income and very low-income households to carry out energy renovation work. The program Living Better Serenity allows you to subsidize up to 50% of the total amount of work, up to €20,000.

Eligibility conditions and procedures

To be eligible, the accommodation must be over 15 years old and occupied as a primary residence. The work must allow an energy saving of at least 25%. In addition, household resources must not exceed the ceilings set by Anah.

To make a request, you must complete a file on the ANAH website (and provide the requested supporting documents. If the request is granted, you will be able to benefit from the assistance after having carried out the work by an RGE professional.

Local aid

Finally, certain local authorities offer specific aid to support energy renovation projects in their territory. These measures can take the form of grants, zero-interest loans or tax exemptions, in addition to national aid.

To find out what local aid is available, you are advised to contact your town hall, department or region.

Thanks to these different financial aid schemes, reducing your energy bill and your ecological footprint in 2023 is more accessible than ever. Do not hesitate to inform yourself and compare offers to obtain the best possible support in your energy renovation work.